- 1. Introduction and Setup
- 2. Data Types
- 3. Control Flow and Collections
- 4. Classes in Java, Part 1
- 5. Classes and Objects, Part 2
- 6. Unit Testing
- 7. Inheritance
- 8. Interfaces and Polymorphism
- 9. Spring Into MVC
- 10. Controllers and Routing
- 11. Rules to the Exceptions
- 12. Tools in IntelliJ
- 13. Thymeleaf Views
- 14. Models and Model Binding
- 15. Model Validation
- 16. Enumeration Types
- 17. Introduction to Object-Relational Mapping
- 18. Relationships in Object-Relational Mapping
- 19. Authentication
- 2.5. Studio: Area of a Circle
- 3.8. Studio: Counting Characters
- 4.8. Studio: Restaurant Menu
- 5.6. Studio: Restaurant Menu Continued
- 6.4. Studio: Unit Testing
- 7.9. Studio: Fun with Quizzes
- 8.7. Studio: Spinning the Discs
- 10.6. Studio: Skills Tracker
- 12.3. Studio: If It Ain’t Broke, Add a Breakpoint!
- 13.11. Studio: Spa Day!
- 14.6. Studio: Spa User Signup
- 15.6. Studio: Spa User Validation
- 17.5. Studio: Creating an
- 19.6. Studio: TechJobs Authentication