Chapter 4: Data and Variables

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter you should should understand the various data types covered, how to initialize variables, and use the typeof operator to determine their value. You should also be familiar with operators, operands, and how to receive input from users using readline-sync.

Key Terminology

  2. assignment
  3. initialization
  4. compund assignment
  5. const, constant
  6. camel case
  7. readline-sync


  1. let
  2. const
  3. var
  4. typeof

Values and Data Types

  1. String
  2. Number
  3. Object


  1. let
  2. var


  1. Additon: +
  2. Subtraction: -
  3. Multiplication: *
  4. Division: /
  5. Modulus: %
  6. Exponentation: **
  7. Increment: ++
  8. Decrement: --