Exercise Solutions: More on FunctionsΒΆ
Create an anonymous function.
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let practice = function(myArg) { if (typeof myArg === "number") { return myArg * 3; } }
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let practice = function(myArg) { if (typeof myArg === "number") { return myArg * 3; } else if (typeof myArg === "string") { return "ARRR!"; } else { return myArg; } }
Create another anonymous function.
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let nonSuspiciousFunction = function(a) { }
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let nonSuspiciousFunction = function(a) { if (checkFuel(a) === 'green') { return a - 100001; } else if (checkFuel(a) === 'yellow') { return a - 50001; } else { return a; } };
Print a receipt.
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let irs = function(levelOfFuel, itemsInCargo) { }
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let irs = function(levelOfFuel, itemsInCargo { let arr = deckMops(itemsInCargo); return `Raided ${nonSuspiciousFunction(fuelLevel)} kg of fuel from the tanks, and stole ${arr[0]} and ${arr[1]} from the cargo hold.` }