The Fight for Gay Rights
A Retro Platform Game for Modern Times!
A Retro Platform Game for Modern Times!
Welcome to Social Justice Warrior! The game where you can defeat the real bad guys! Weild powerful weapons in pursuit of Equality and Justice. Face off against ruthless opposition at nearly every turn.
The struggle is real, and only you can win Equality for yourself and your fellow humans!
The expansive worlds, immersive plot lines, nearly insurmountable odds, and heros we can all hope to see ourselves in. But- what ever happened to the everyday heros? The plumbers, the miners, and the cheese wheel heads?
Jane and her wife have been married for just over a year (YAY!) and are ready to start a family. There's just one problem- their adoption aplications keep being denied. When a vile social worker admits that Mrs. and Mrs. Doe are being denied for being homosexual Jane vows to fight for her future and family.
As you lead Jane through the labyrinth of local and federal legislation you must collect Votes to help you in your battles. Votes are hidden around each level- be sure to collect them all for special bonuses! You will have to navigate around obsitcles like dogs and crowds. Don't be afraid to climb buildings, jump onto awnings, and even run across rooftops.
Suceed in your quest and you will recieve THE ULTIMATE REWARD. We'll let you figure out what that is for yourself.