Tedda Boom Boom - the Beginning
I was born on March 6 to a passionate mother and an ambitious father. I was their firstborn...together and separately. As I entered this realm, I knew my destiny. I just wasn't sure I wanted to stay on that course. I mean really. This greatness in me just couldn't contain itself. And even though I had a "big head" of sorts, I had an immediate relationship with God and understood that faith would see me through anything.
A Blessed & Wild & Crazy Childhood

So much love! I received more love than my little heart could hold. My brother was born and then my sisters. A zillion cousins were always around. I mattered in a sea of beautiful brown smiling faces.

My grandmother was my rock. I could tell you I was a millionaire because I never wanted for anything. I loved my little town and my friends. Ignored the demons of the world. God helped me to diminish their existence.
Fasten Your Seatbelts - Turbulence

Okay, talk about going from sugar to s**t. Taking God for granted kept me from doing my daily work to sustain a relationship. I got cocky. Ungrateful. Rebellious. I took every wrong turn. Why? Because I could. So I turned towards the world and away from my heart. My heart held everything. The world offered tricks and deception covered by good and bad intentions from the wrong people.

How much pain, hurt, anger, destruction could one soul take and actually survive? And then in small moments, I would be reminded who I was and whose I was. Only then, slowly, did I even think about coming back to center. I was going to be the testament. No doubt.
Redemption - Renewal - Connection - Oneness

Why was I torturing myself when I knew from the moment I was born that greatness, happiness were me? They were my destiny even before I was birthed. I decided it was time to be the I Am that I Am called me. Besides a soul, I became an artist, a teacher, a poet. I became a mother and this being deserved to be connected to her Source, know her power. Who else to teach her but the one whose heartbeat was her first song? I became a wife and learned to see God in others. So for me, I've stepped into my true self. No more denying my talents and gifts. I am here to share. To express. To BE!