Chapter One: Highschool
- Mexico:
I visited Mexico in highschool durrning the summer. Sometimes to the beach, and sometimes in central Mexico. - Argentina:
I studied abroad for one year, living in Comodoro and Buenos Aries. I was also fortunate to travel around the country!
Chapter Two: College
- Spain:
I studied abroad in Oviedo and visited Madrid and San Sebastian. Their currenly is the Euro(€). - Ireland:
After I graduated college, I went to Ireland for the summer with my family. Ireland also uses the €.
Chapter Three: The Real World
- London:
Nearly a year after college, I decided to apply to a program called the Mountbatten Institute. I was offered a job and the oportunity to live in London for a year! London and the UK are different from the rest of europe and they use the GBP or Great Brittish Pund currency (£).London is where my husband (Alex) and I met. - New York:
After my year in London was over, I kept my job and moved to NYC. I lived there for two years.