Here, There, Everywhere: Saint Louis
New to Saint Louis, I've forced all of my friends and family to visit local tourist attractions. Most have been willing specimens in this experiment. This page will highlight some of our adventures within Saint Louis, as well as attractions close to Saint Louis.
Places I Remember
- Here: Fair Saint Louis 2015
- Here: Busch Stadium: Pirates vs. Cardinals
- There: Kansas City's Boulevard Beer
- There: Canoeing on the Current River
- Everywhere: Paul McCartney's One on One Tour
Yeah, that's Debbie Harry from Blondie and I couldn't believe that she looked this good at 71.

Cardinals lost 5-2.
So not anywhere close to Saint Louis, couldn't resist a flight of beers in Kansas City.

A friend decided to do this for her birthday on a Saturday morning/afternoon. Great escape from the city.

A return to Busch Stadium but for something better than the Cardinals. Three-hour concert, fifty years after The Beatles' first visit to Saint Louis.