Getting Lelu
I grew up in a low income, broken home. I didn't have a lot of chances to get things that I wanted. When I crossed over into adulthood, I vowed to live a life more luxurious than my upbringing. I had always wanted a Siberian Husky. Once I had bought my house, and was established, I decided it was time to find the perfect dog. I ended up traveling 5 hours away near the western edge of Missouri, where I found a Husky breeder, and met Lelu. I instantly fell in love. She was perfect, and she was all mine. The start of a great friendship.
Lelu's new home
At the time, I had a roommate living with me. He had gotten an Australian Sheppard named Oliver. When, I brought Lelu home, Oliver immediately realized he had buddy to run around our gigantic backyard with. Lelu was born 2 days before Christmas. Her first big snow was the night she came home with me. She and Olly had a blast running around in the snow that night.
All Grown Up
Today, Lelu is almost 2 years old. She has grown up into quite the dog. She can do several tricks, except for speaking, for some reason, Husky's are very quiet dogs. She can do it, it just takes some coaxing. She still has puppy tendencies to chew on shoes, and make messes in the house. Through all of that though, I wouldn't change it for the world. She's not the Husky I always pictured having. She doesn't have a big fur coat, she's rather small. Regardless, she's the best dog a man could hope for.