28.1. Tableau Part 4 - Stories and Dates

28.1.1. Reading

Read the following articles, and watch the videos.


Tableau Tips


Story examples to explore: Suggested Resources (not required reading)

Custom Date Formats.

  • Great resource for the plethora of date formats and how to work with them.

Date Functions.

  • Collection of date functions with definitions and examples.

The Story Workspace.

  • Resource that explains the controls, panes, and features of the story workspace.

Best Practices for Telling Great Stories.

  • An introduction to why and how to tell stories with Tableau.

Best Practices for Effective Dashboards.

  • An introduction to making/keeping your dashboards easy to use

28.1.2. Check Your Understanding


Dates cannot be changed once you have connected your data set to Tableau

  1. True

  2. False


When working with a relational data source, Tableau defaults dates as ______?

  1. Dimensions

  2. Continuous fields


Converting a date to a continuous field is very useful when looking at trends.

  1. True

  2. False


What type of viz is best for showing correlations?

  1. Line Chart

  2. Pie Chart

  3. Scatter Plot

  4. Flow Chart


In the end, most data represents people.

  1. True

  2. False


Match the following:


is based on different view or dashboard, or different stages of a single viz

Story Point

is a single viz


is collection of several views to compare a variety of data all at once