Final Project Presentations¶
Over the course of the final two days of class, you and your classmates will present your work on your final project. Your mentors will let you know how much time you have for each presentation. Remember to practice your presentation in advance so you can make sure that you are within the time limit and leave room at the end for questions from your classmates.
Your presentation should cover:
Your business issue and how you chose your dataset.
Anything of note you learned in the EDA process.
Anything of note you learned in the cleaning process.
Your Tableau story.
In addition to presenting your Tableau story from Checkpoint Four, you are welcome to make additional slides talking about the first three points if you find that helpful. You are not required to do so, however, and can use your Tableau story as your sole presentation aid if you prefer.
If you haven’t done so already makes sure to combine each of your individual checkpoints into one GitHub repository to showcase all of your hard work. For examples of what this might look like visit the project overview page.