Nested Subqueries

Nested subqueries are subqueries within subqueries, Not to be confused with a nested query (subquery). This adds an addiitonal layer of complexity to your query but allows for more filtering and manipulation should you need it.

General Structure:

SELECT statement FROM table
WHERE expression = (
    SELECT statement FROM table
    WHERE expression = (
        SELECT statement FROM table
        WHERE expression
-- select all from More_Movies table
SELECT * FROM More_Movies
-- specify genre with IN keyword
WHERE genre IN (
    -- select all genres from More_Movies table
    SELECT genre FROM More_Movies 
    -- filter out genres from more_movies table that have a higher rt_score than movies in Movies table
    WHERE rt_score > (
        -- the max rt_score from Movies table
        SELECT MAX(rt_score) FROM Movies)

Nested subquery to find genres from the More_Movies database that contain a single movie with a higher rt_score than the highest available in the Movies table Nested subquery to find genres from the More_Movies database that contain a single movie with a higher rt_score than the highest available in the Movies table

Nested subqueries can be quite useful when filtering data from multiple tables as seen in the example above. We were able to filter out genres from the More_Movies table that did not have a higher rt_score than the highest score in the Movies table. Let’s take a look at what happens if we add a movie within an existing genre to the More_Movies table that has a higher score so we can compare.

INSERT INTO More_Movies (id, title, genre, release, rt_score)
VALUES (14, 'Back To The Future', 'Science Fiction', 1985, 97)
SELECT * FROM More_Movies
WHERE genre IN (
    SELECT genre FROM More_Movies
    WHERE rt_score > (
        SELECT MAX(rt_score) FROM Movies)


Compare the same query as the previous example after adding a movie with a high rating to view the difference Compare the same query as the previous example after adding a movie with a high rating to view the difference

Check Your Understanding


What is the key difference between a nested query and a nested subquery?