Studio: Working with Databases in Python

Getting Started


We have created a new repo for Class 19 and 20 exercises and studios. Please fork this repo to your Github account, and then clone it to your local device

Class 19 and 20 Exercise Studio Repo

Before getting started with the coding, create a watchlist of 10 TV shows/movies that you, personally, are interested in watching.

Open up data-analysis-projects-class-19-and-20/class-20/studio/. You will be working in the file databases-and-py-studio.ipynb.

In Your Notebook

We will be using the TV Shows dataset from Kaggle. We have included the CSV for you in the repository you just cloned.

You will also be using the watchlist you created to figure out which streaming services contain the shows that you want to watch next so you can decide which one is worth the money to you.

As you complete the different tasks in the studio, you may choose between using pandas or SQL. Remember that during the prep work, we learned that one is oftentimes more efficient at certain tasks than the other, so choose wisely!

Submitting Your Work

When finished, make sure to push your changes up to GitHub!

Copy the link to your GitHub repository and paste it into the submission box in Canvas for Studio: Working with Databases in Python and click Submit.