Chapter 4

Introduction to Data

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what the different stages of a data analysis project are.
  • Name different data analysis methods and techniques and speak to when to appropriately use each one.
  • Be able to review a dataset and speak to what metrics within the dataset are of importance to the analysis.

Key Terminology

Data Analysis Methods and Techniques

  1. Cleaning Data
  2. Data Visualization
  3. Formatting data
  4. Cluster analysis
  5. Factor analysis
  6. Time series analysis
  7. Sentiment analysis
  8. Cohort analysis
  9. Exploratory analysis
  10. Regression analysis
  11. Monte Carlo simulation
  12. Descriptive statistics
  13. Classification
  14. Correlation

Datasets and KPIs

  1. Dataset
  2. KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)