Chapter 5
Exploratory Data Analysis With Spreadsheets
Learning Objectives
After reviewing all the content in this chapter, you should be able to:
- Understand what Exploratory Data Analysis is and why it is an important step in the data analysis process.
- Be able to perform an exploratory analysis on a dataset with Google Sheets
Key Terminology
An Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
Summary Statistics with Google Sheets
- Summary statistics
- Descriptive statistics
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Location
- Measures of Variance
- Measures of Spread
- mean
- average
- median
- mode
- range
- interquartile range
- standard deviation
Creating Visualizations with Google Sheets
- line graph
- bar chart
- column chart
- scatterplot
Locating Outliers
- outlier
- anomalies