Chapter 5

Exploratory Data Analysis With Spreadsheets

Learning Objectives

After reviewing all the content in this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Understand what Exploratory Data Analysis is and why it is an important step in the data analysis process.
  • Be able to perform an exploratory analysis on a dataset with Google Sheets

Key Terminology

An Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
  2. EDA

Summary Statistics with Google Sheets

  1. Summary statistics
  2. Descriptive statistics
  3. Measures of Central Tendency
  4. Measures of Location
  5. Measures of Variance
  6. Measures of Spread
  7. mean
  8. average
  9. median
  10. mode
  11. range
  12. interquartile range
  13. IQR
  14. standard deviation

Creating Visualizations with Google Sheets

  1. line graph
  2. bar chart
  3. column chart
  4. scatterplot

Locating Outliers

  1. outlier
  2. anomalies