Chapter 22

Data Visualization with Python

Learning Objectives

Upon completing all the content in this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

  1. Talk about what to do and what not to do with data visualizations.
  2. Differentiate between chart styles and provide the pros and cons for each style. Scatter plots, histograms, bar charts, pie charts, etc
  3. Use Matplotlib and Seaborn to create visualizations.

Key Terminology

Here is a list of key terms for this chapter, broken down by the page the term first appears on. Make note of these terms and their definitions.

Best Practices for Data Visualization

  1. primary colors
  2. secondary colors
  3. complementary colors

Choosing a Chart Style

  1. comparison chart
  2. distribution chart
  3. relationship chart
  4. composition chart

Matplotlib and Seaborn

  1. bins