Exercises: Data and Variables

The following exercises can be worked on within the data-analysis-projects/data-and-variables/exercises/exercises.py file!

The Data

Use the information given below about your space shuttle to complete the exercises:

Name of the space shuttleDetermination
Shuttle Speed (mph)17,500
Distance to Mars (km)225,000,000
Distance to the Moon (km)384,400
Miles per kilometer0.621

The Exercises

  1. Declare and assign variables

    Declare and assign a variable for each item in the list above.


    When declaring and assigning your variables, remember that you will need to use that variable throughout the rest of the exercises. Make sure that you are using the correct data type!

    shuttle_name = 'Determination'
    shuttle_speed_mph = 17500
    distance_to_mars_km = 225000000
    distance_to_moon_km = 38400
    MILES_PER_KM = 0.621
  2. Print out the type of each variable

    For each variable you declared in part A, use type() to print its type to the console, one item per line.

  3. Calculate a space mission!

    We need to determine how many days it will take to reach Mars.

    1. Create and assign a miles to Mars variable. You can get the miles to Mars by multiplying the distance to Mars in kilometers by the miles per kilometer.
    miles_to_mars = kilometers_to_mars * MILES_PER_KM
    1. Next, we need a variable to hold the hours it would take to get to Mars. To get the hours, you need to divide the miles to Mars by the shuttle’s speed.
    hours_to_mars = miles_to_mars / shuttle_speed_mph
    1. Finally, declare a variable and assign it the value of days to Mars. In order to get the days it will take to reach Mars, you need to divide the hours it will take to reach Mars by 24.
    days_to_mars = hours_to_mars / 24
  4. Print out the results of your calculations

    Using variables from above, print to the screen a sentence that says "_____ will take ___ days to reach Mars." Fill in the blanks with the shuttle name and the calculated time.

  5. Now calculate a trip to the Moon

    Repeat the calculations, but this time determine the number of days it would take to travel to the Moon and print to the screen a sentence that says "_____ will take ___ days to reach the Moon.".

    miles_to_moon = kilometers_to_moon * MILES_PER_KM
    hours_to_moon = miles_to_moon / shuttle_speed_mph
    days_to_moon = hours_to_moon / 24
    print(shuttle_name + " will take " + days_to_moon + " days to reach the Moon.")

Submitting Your Work

When finished copy the URL to your GitHub repository for the exercises and paste it into the submission box in Canvas for Exercises: Data and Variables and click Submit.