Task 2: Aggregate Your Friends and Code Some SQL
The following questions you should be able to tackle after Chapter 8: SQL Part 2
How many employees were reported in 2016 in all industries? Round to the nearest whole number.
How many women employees were reported in 2016 in all industries? Round to the nearest whole number.
How many production/nonsupervisory employees were reported in 2016? Round to the nearest whole number.
In January 2017, what is the average weekly hours worked by production and nonsupervisory employees across all industries?
What is the total weekly payroll for production and nonsupervisory employees across all industries in January 2017? Round to the nearest penny, please.
In January 2017, for which industry was the average weekly hours worked by production and nonsupervisory employees the highest? Which industry was the lowest?
In January 2021, for which industry was the total weekly payroll for production and nonsupervisory employees the highest? Which industry was the lowest?