Task 1: The Business Issue
You work for a company that is trying to create the ultimate app for the average American navigating financial issues and financial planning. While the company is led by some brilliant minds, trying to create the ultimate anything can be difficult and they are having a hard time digging through all the numbers to lay down the foundations of what the app should be. They have data related to a variety of different topics, however, due to various regulations on financial advising, they need to ensure that the data is accurate before pushing it out to app users.
With a thousand different topics that can be encompassed within personal finance, the founders of this company want you to focus on performing an exploratory data analysis and cleaning two datasets that they believe the app should be built on. The first dataset is a debt repayment plan a financial advisor put together for a hypothetical app customer and the other one is a collection of historical data for different factors that may impact housing prices in the United States.
To get started, open this folder and copy both the spreadsheet and the final report document to your drive. You should fill out your personal copy of the final report document as you work on each dataset. You may also notice that so far, only one dataset is imported into a spreadsheet for you. You will need to create the second workbook by importing the data from Kaggle. Time to get started with your first dataset!