Task 1: Project Introduction

Your first assignment is mostly an exercise in following instructions. We’ll ask you to modify an existing Google Sheet so that, when updated, will return a specific value within the given cell.


In order to complete this assignment you will need to have created a Google account! If you have not done so you can find the link below:

  1. Create a Google account


  1. Sign in to your associated Google account.
  2. Adjust data and formulas within the provided Google Sheet.
  3. Submit your assignment link for grading.

Google Account

  1. If you have not already done so, sign in to your Google account before moving forward.

You can learn more about Google accounts and a general overview here: Google Account overview and features


The following Google Sheet link will be pre-populated with existing data. You will need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Adjust insurance rates based on the new premiums in 2024 for car insurace.
  2. Update the monthly and yearly grocery budget to account for inflation.
  3. Create a dashboard of combined data from the car and grocery budgets.

Below is some additional information about the data included within the spreadsheet:

Car Info

The Car Info tab contains a monthly and yearly estimate for a total of four cars with other various information related to each vehicle. However, the Monthly Insurace Cost will need to be updated as it is based on the previous year’s insurance premiums and the rates have gone up 12%.

Grocery Info

The Grocery Info tab contains categories for groceries purchased at the store, including a weekly cost breakdown for each category. The sheet also contains an average weekly spend, a monthly category spend, and a monthly total spend. The existing spreadsheet also has a 2023 Grocery budget including an inflation rate adjustment. You will need to add cell that includes the 2024 inflation rate of 8% and adjust the existing formulas to reference the new cell.


Lastly there is an Overview tab, combining data from the Car Info sheet and the Grocery Info sheet. The goal of this sheet is to provide one centralized place to view the total combined costs for Car and Grocery expenses. You will need to reference the cells containing the monthly and yearly totals for both car and grocery expenses, and display the total for both.

First, find Assignment #0 in Canvas and click on the starter Google Sheet link.

Once you have the sheet open, you are ready to move on!