Studio: Spa User Validation

We’ll build on the user-signup-starter studio from last class, adding in model validation.

Getting Started

Open up your SpaDay application and checkout the user-validation branch.

Creating a New ViewModel

To get started with adding validation to our application, we need to first make a ViewModel. After adding a folder for storing our ViewModels, create a new ViewModel for working with form submission called AddUserViewModel. Add properties for the user’s username, password, and email. Also, add a new property called VerifyPassword.

Add Validation Attributes

Navigate to AddUserViewModel. Add validation attributes to ensure these conditions are satisfied:

  1. Username, password, and VerifyPassword are required.
  2. Username is between 5 and 15 characters.
  3. Email is optional.
  4. If provided, the email has the format of a valid email address.
  5. The password is between 6 and 20 characters.

Remember to add error messages to your attributes!

Refactoring UserController

With our new ViewModel set up and ready, we need to refactor our action methods to make use of AddUserViewModel.

Start by passing an instance of AddUserViewModel to User/Add.cshtml via our Add() action method. You may want to consider providing a route. This can make finding the new form easier as you work on this application.

Next, to refactor the SubmitAddUserForm() action method, we need to do the following:

  1. Take in the instance of AddUserViewModel as a parameter.

  2. Use ModelState.IsValid to make sure that the conditions outlined using validation attributes have been met.

  3. If ModelState.IsValid is true, we want to double check that the value of Password is equal to VerifyPassword. If it is, we can create an instance of User and pass it to the User/Index.cshtml view. If the two passwords do not match, we need to reload the form with an error message displayed.


We can pass an object and the name of a view to the View() method by using the following syntax:

return View("ViewName", objectName);

Validating That Passwords Match

Last studio, we added some validation checks to make sure the password fields match. Now we have two validation sections: one for the attribute-configured validation (which checks ModelState.IsValid), and one that checks that the password fields match. Make sure they work in-sync with each other to properly return to the form if any of the validation conditions fail.


You can, in fact, validate that passwords match using attributes by taking a slightly different approach than we’ve done here. We outline how to do so in the Bonus Mission section .

Refactoring the Views

The final step in adding ViewModels and validation to our SpaDay application is to refactor our views!

In User/Index.cshtml:

  1. Make the User model accessible to the view.

  2. Replace instances of ViewBag with the @Model syntax.


    You may need to add the null conditional operator to @Model even if you declared the fields in the User model as nullable.


If we do this correctly, when a form with valid data is submitted, we should still see our personalized greeting!

In User/Add.cshtml:

  1. Make AddUserViewModel accessible to the view.

  2. Keep the @if statement up at the top so if the two passwords don’t match, we can see the error message.

  3. Replace the inner contents of the form with a properly formatted form field for each property in the ViewModel. Each of your form fields should look something like this:

    <div class="form-group">
       <label asp-for="PropertyName">PropertyName</label>
       <input asp-for="PropertyName" />
       <span asp-validation-for="PropertyName"></span>

    When it comes to the password fields you may want to add a type attribute to the <input> tag for better data security!

Test, Test, Test!

You made a lot of changes! Be sure to thoroughly test them to make sure everything works as expected.

Bonus Mission

Let’s set up our application so we can validate that the password fields match using attributes.

  1. Add a [Compare] attribute to the Password property in AddUserViewModel to check if the value of Password is equal to the value of VerifyPassword.


    [Compare] can be used to validate that the values of two properties are equal. If the two values are not equal, you can add an optional ErrorMessage parameter with a helpful message (for example, “Passwords do not match.”) Here is an example of how this might look:

    public string PropertyA { get; set; }
    [Compare("PropertyA", ErrorMessage = "The two properties must match!")]
    public string PropertyB { get; set; }
  2. Remove the @if statement from the top of the User/Add.cshtml form.

  3. In the SubmitAddUserForm() method in UserController, ModelState.IsValid checks for if the validation conditions have been met. Now that we have added the validation attribute to the Password property, we can simplify our code so that we are not separately checking the password form fields against each other.