ViewModels and Passing Data Between Views

Now that we have an understanding for what a model is, we can focus on how to effectively pass information between the three elements of MVC applications. With our current MVC application, we can add new events and remove events. However, our application is also susceptible to run-time errors. Our view can accept any type of input and if we mistype something in our view, we can run into issues later down the line.

A ViewModel is a model class designed specifically to be used in a view. By utilizing ViewModels in our application, we can make our views strongly-typed and add validation to forms to prevent bad user input. Also, if we have information we want to collect as part of a form, but not save as part of a model, we can store that data as a property of a ViewModel. An example of this would be if we have a form for users to create an account on our site. The form includes two fields: one for the password and one for confirming the new user’s password. While we only want to save the password and may only have a Password property in our model, we can add a ConfirmPassword property to the ViewModel so we can check that the two match before saving the user’s info. These benefits of ViewModels will help reduce potential errors in our application.

Refactoring the Project

To start with understanding why we may want to use a ViewModel, let’s refactor our code to use a model directly in our view. This will require some updates to our controllers and views.

We need to do the following steps:

  1. Create our new ViewModel
  2. Update the Model
  3. Update our Index Action Method
  4. Update the Index View
  5. Update the Add and New Event Action Methods
  6. Update the Add View Model

Let’s get started!

Creating a ViewModel

  1. Add a ViewModels directory at the top level of the project.

  2. Add a new class to the ViewModels directory and name it AddEventViewModel.

File tree showing new ViewModels directory
  1. Add Name and Description properties to the new class. We can remove the constructor. We do not need it at this time.

  2. We will need to declare the Name and Description as nullable. You do this by using the nullable value type ? after the modifiers. To see these in action, look at lines 7 and 8 in the code block below.

    Check Your Code
    namespace CodingEvents.ViewModels
       public class AddEventViewModel
          public string? Name { get; set; }
          public string? Description { get; set; }

    Declaring a Value Nullable

    Do you see the ? after string in lines 7 and 8 in the code block above? This declares this property to be a nullable value type. This means that the value of Name or Description is allowed to be null at some point.

    A null value for either of these fields is not ideal, but we need them to have this flexibility when we begin to add validation attributes later in this chapter. If the validation checks fail, a new event will not be added to the project’s data storage.

    Check out these resources on nullable value types and strategies to handle them.

    We will declare our Event fields as nullable types, too. See the next section below.

Update the Model with Nullable Values

We need to declare the fields of our Event model nullable as well.

Check Your Code
namespace CodingEvents.Models
   public class Event
 	public string? Name { get; set; }
 	public string? Description { get; set; }

   //code continues...

Update the Index Action Method in the Controller

In the EventsController, find the Index action method. We want to convert our ViewBag to a List collection type.

  1. Update the to a List of Event objects. Let’s store this list in a variable called events.

  2. Pass the contents of the data layer to the new List.

  3. Return the new list events to the View.

    Check Your Code
    // GET: /<controller>/
    public IActionResult Index()
       List<Event> events = new List<Event>(EventData.GetAll());
       return View(events);

Update the Index View

Now that we are storing our items in a List, we need to import the model into our Events/Index.cshtml view so we can use the new events collection. We can start by adding a @using statement to let the view know which model to reference. We can also use the @model statement to let the view know which type of object to expect. In this case we can expect a list of Event objects.

  1. Add a @using statement that informs the view about which portion of the project to access.

  2. Add a @model statement to inform the view about the object type.

    Check Your Code
    @using CodingEvents.Models
    @model List<Event>
  3. Wherever we used our ViewBag property, we can now use Model syntax. We want to count the number of Model objects, like we did with the ViewBag.

    Check Your Code
    @if (Model.Count == 0)
  4. We need to update the loop to check the Model for events (evt).

    Check Your Code
    @foreach (var evt in Model)

Once the view has been updated, run the application!

Update the Add and NewEvent Action Methods in the Controller

  1. In the EventsController, add a using statement for your new ViewModel.

    Check Your Code
    using CodingEvents.ViewModels;
  2. In the Add() action method responsible for retrieving the form to add events, in EventsController, create a new instance of AddEventViewModel called addEventViewModel and pass it to the View().

    Check Your Code
    public IActionResult Add()
       AddEventViewModel addEventViewModel = new AddEventViewModel();
       return View(addEventViewModel);

Next let’s update our NewEvent action method.

  1. Rename this method Add() and keep the parameters.

  2. Remove the [Route] attribute, but make sure to keep the [HttpPost] attribute.

  3. It should take an instance of AddEventViewModel called addEventViewModel as a parameter.

    Check Your Code
    public IActionResult Add(AddEventViewModel addEventViewModel)
  4. We want to create new events in this action method that we add to our data storage.

  5. We are going to use new constructor syntax to create our addEventViewModel objects.

    1. We will create a new Event object called newEvent.
    2. We will instantiate all of the properties of Event using the AddEventViewModel inside curly braces { }.
    3. We want to add our newEvent to our EventData.
    4. Finally, we want to return a redirected view back to the /Events view to see our newly added event.
    Check Your Code
    public IActionResult Add(AddEventViewModel addEventViewModel)
       Event newEvent = new Event
          Name = addEventViewModel.Name,
          Description = addEventViewModel.Description
       return Redirect("/Events");

You should now have two Add() methods. The framework is clever enough to know the difference. The [HttpPost] attribute designates the Add method that processes the form while the other Add() method retrieves the form.

This is similar to how we created the Delete() action methods in the previous chapter .


This renaming is not critical to your application, but can help you with the design logic of the program as it grows in size.

Update the Add View

We are now ready to update our Add view.

  1. Import the ViewModel to the Add.cshtml view with the necessary @using syntax. Inform the view that we will be using the new ViewModel with the correct @model syntax.

    Check Your Code
    @using CodingEvents.ViewModels
    @model AddEventViewModel

    We are going to add anchor tags helpers to the form.

  2. Add asp-controller = Events and asp-action = Add to the <form> tag to designate which method the form data should be sent to. We want our form to send data to the Add method that handles POST requests inside the Events controller.

  3. Add asp-for to <label> and <input> tags. This allows us to specify which form field corresponds to which property in our ViewModel.

    Check Your Code
    <form asp-controller="Events" asp-action="Add" method="post">
       <div class="form-group">
          <label asp-for="Name"></label>
          <input asp-for="Name" />
       <div class="form-group">
          <label asp-for="Description"></label>
          <input asp-for="Description" />
       <input type="submit" value="Add Event" />

    In the code block above, notice the lines where we use asp-for. We removed the name and type requirements from the <input> tag and added asp-for to the <label> tag too. asp-for reflects the name we provided to the property in the ViewModel. The reflected name will be used in the view when we run this project.

  4. Run your application.

    1. Test what happens when you provide input in each box.
    2. Test what happens when you leave one empty.
    3. Finally, test what happens when you leave all of them blank. Looks like the app would benefit from some validation.

Recap for the Refactor

This was merely a refactor so the functionality of the app hasn’t changed, but we have eliminated some of the possibility of bugs in our code being discovered at runtime! Using a model in a view like this makes our view strongly-typed. Before if we misspelled a property of Event or ViewBag, those errors would have been caught at run-time and possibly interfered with users’ experience. With a strongly-typed view, the same errors would be caught at compile-time before users see the application. Strongly-typed views also support intellisense, so as we work with properties of a model, we can make sure we have the correct property name.

While the functionality of the application remains the same, we are now in a position to easily add validation to our application.

Check Your Understanding


True or False: ViewModels are views designed to specifically be used in models.