Chapter 3: Control Flow & Collections

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

  1. Become familiar with C# Operators
    • ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=
  2. Write conditionals using:
    • if, else, if/else statements
    • switch, break, and continue statements
  3. Create loops and know when to use them
    • for, foreach, while, and do...while
  4. Know how and when to use list, array, and dictionary collections.

Key Terminology

Throughout this lesson, you will see lots of new vocabulary. Here is everything that you should make note of:


  1. ==
  2. !=
  3. <
  4. >
  5. <=
  6. >=
  7. if
  8. else
  9. if else
  10. else if
  11. switch
  12. case
  13. break
  14. default
  15. fallthrough


  1. for loop
  2. foreach loop
  3. in
  4. while loop
  5. do-while loop
  6. continue
  7. StringBuilder


  1. data structure
  2. List
  3. Dictionary
  4. KeyValuePair
  5. Array

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