Task One

Implement PrintJobs()

When trying out the program, and later when reading the code, you hopefully noticed that there’s some work to do in the PrintJobs() method. As it stands, it currently just prints a message: "PrintJobs is not implemented yet".

Complete this method. Print out jobs matching the below format:

   position type: Data Scientist / Business Intelligence
   name: Sr. IT Analyst (Data/BI)
   employer: Bull Moose Industries
   location: Saint Louis
   core competency: Statistical Analysis

   position type: Web - Back End
   name: Ruby specialist
   employer: LaunchCode
   location: Saint Louis
   core competency: Javascript

For the autograding script to correctly grade your code, you’ll need to match this format exactly. In particular, note the number of asterisks surrounding each listing, and the blank line between listings.

If there are no results, it should print No results. Again, you should use this exact message.


To do this, you’ll need to iterate over a List of jobs. Each job is itself a Dictionary. While you can get each of the items out of the Dictionary using the known keys (employer, location, etc.), think instead about creating a nested loop to loop over each Dictionary. If a new field is added to the job records, this approach will print out the new field without any manual updates to PrintJobs().


To create new lines for your output, use Environment.NewLine. Traditionally \n is a new line in Mac OS and \r\n is new line in Windows. Environment.NewLine is the universal way to create a new line and works regardless of your operating system. Allowing code written on a Mac to pass unit tests when the same code is run on Windows.

Test this method manually before moving on to your next task:

  1. Save your changes.
  2. Run the project.
  3. Select “1” to list the jobs, and then “0” to list them all.
  4. Make sure the printout matches the styling above.
  5. Test that it prints a descriptive message if no jobs are found by selecting “0” to search and then “3” to search for a location. Then enter a location that is not in the data (e.g. “Cancun”). Your message should be displayed.

Finally, remember at the end of each task to review the autograding tests and run the appropriate one(s) to ensure that you are on the right track.