HTML & CSS Basics


Now that you've completed the Git and Markdown module, you've made a webpage that is available for anyone to see; welcome to the World Wide Web!

In this module, you'll learn how to do even more on the web using HTML and CSS. These tools will give you more control over the presentation of your content and allow you to do much more than Markdown alone could.


Work through Learn HTML & CSS Part 1 on Codecademy to learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS.

This class may take up to 10 hours to work through. It is presented in bite-size lessons, though, so just take it one step at a time.


Note for Code Camp participants: You may not get all the way through the Codecademy class above before it's time to start learning Python. If you don't, no worries! You can resume your study of HTML and CSS when we get to Unit 2, Web Fundamentals. Or, if you are breezing through the Python lessons, you can continue working on this class in your free time. In either case, you've come a long way already, and you should be proud!

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