Make a Resume!


Let's start putting together our knowledge of Git, Markdown, and the command line in order to make a tech resume that will help you stand out!

Exercise: Make a Resume!

Step 1: Create Content

  1. Open a Git Bash or Terminal window and make sure you are in your home directory: cd ~
  2. Using the command line, create a new directory called my-resume: mkdir my-resume
  3. Navigate to that directory and create a new file called "": cd my-resume and touch
  4. Open that file in your text editor: open or start
  5. Type your name using a level 1 Header and save the file: # LaunchCode Jones

Step 2: Make a Git Repository

  1. Make sure you are in the directory you just created and initialize it as a Git repository: pwd and git init
  2. Check that the file you just made will be in this repo: git status
  3. Add and commit this file to your repo with the message "First Commit": git add . and git commit -m "First Commit"

Step 3: Put it on GitHub

  1. Go to your profile page on GitHub and click Repositories, then click the green New button at the top right
  2. Enter the repository name my-resume, and leave the default settings as they are, then click Create Repository
  3. In the Quick setup panel click Https and copy the address shown.
  4. Back on the command line, type git remote add origin <paste the address you just copied>
  5. Next on the command line, type git push -u origin master
  6. Go back to your repositories page on GitHub and find my-resume then take a look at
  7. You should see your name formatted in Header style

Step 4: Use GitHub Pages to Host Your Resume

  1. While in your my-resume repo, click the Settings tab at the top
  2. Scroll down to GitHub Pages and choose a theme
  3. Notice that now the Source section right above Theme chooser should now show Master as selected. If it doesn't, select Master from the dropdown
  4. Visit your new web page by opening up a browser window and typing (replace your username for 'username'): (note the .html extension instead of .md)

Step 5: Spruce Up Your Resume!

  1. Now it's time to fill in your resume with your information! For tips on what to include and how to order the information, see this LaunchCode guide
  2. As you add content to your file, play around with the Markdown syntax you've learned to make your resume look catchy and professional
  3. Remember that each time you make a change on your computer to the file, you'll need to repeat the steps to add and commit your changes, as well as to push them to your remote (GitHub) using git push origin master for your GitHub Pages site to reflect the changes you've made


Way to go on completing this module and getting your resume live on the web! You've come a long way and are now ready to build more complex and stylish web pages by learning HTML and CSS!

Start HTML and CSS Module