All About Folders


Learn how to display and organize your files and folders so that it is easy for you to find the information you need. The first part of this video will review how to do this on a Mac and the second part demonstrates this on Windows.


  1. Open your Finder (Mac) or File Explorer (Windows).
  2. In your Documents folder, display your files and folders in a list. Now change to display your files and folders as icons. (Or vice-versa).
  3. Change the sorting option by clicking on the "Date Modified" header. Then change it back to sorting by "Name".
  4. Choose a file and rename it. Then rename the file back to what it was.
  5. Make a new folder and name it, "FilePractice". Then make a subfolder in it and name it, "Subfolder".
  6. Practice selecting multiple files by using the Command key on Mac or the Control key on Windows. Then do the same using the shift key.

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