About Paths


This lesson is different from the previous video lessons because it features a Windows command prompt. The purpose of including this video is so that you can better understand the PATH variable. As a coder, you will frequently need to download programs and add them to your PATH variable so that your computer can find and use these programs to perform certain tasks.

The key points to get from this video are:

  • The difference between the relative and absolute paths
  • Putting quotes around any directories that have spaces in the names
  • What your PATH variable does (why you want to add certain executables to your PATH)


For both Windows Git Bash and Mac users alike, the way to print out your PATH variable is to enter echo $PATH.


You've completed this module and learned a lot of skills that will serve you well in your coding career! Now, you are ready to go above and beyond and start putting these command line skills to use with the Git and Markdown module!

Start Git and Markdown Module