Instructor & TAs: Resetting

Reset the Broken Deployment


Resetting will remove all progress. You will start with a fresh broken deployment. However, you can re-issue any correct actions to get back to where you were before.

If after following all the solution steps the deployment is still not fixed it means a student may have mutated something in the VM without your knowledge.

You can re-run the script and it will:

  • automatically destroy the system
  • recreate the broken deployment to its initial state
# in powershell-az-cli-scripting-deployment/ dir
# on the tps-reports branch
> ./full-deployment.ps1


This process will take 10-15 minutes. During this time you can have a dialogue about what went wrong and what else needs to be done.

Reset Your az CLI

First get the list of your subscriptions:

> az account list

In the list select the subscription you want to switch back to and copy the id field value. Then set this as the default subscription:

> az account set -s <account id value>
> az account show
# confirm the correct subscription is set


If you know the subscription name (or at least enough chars to uniquely identify it) you can use this shortcut:

# put the name inside the single quotes
> $SubscriptionName = ''
> az account set -s $(az account list --query "[? contains(name, '$SubscriptionName') ] | [0].id")

Adjusted to Bash you just need to add -o tsv for the output format and update the variable syntax:

# put the name inside the single quotes
$ subscription_name=''
$ az account set -s $(az account list -o tsv --query "[? contains(name, '$subscription_name') ] | [0].id")

Example switching between troubleshooting lab subscription and main (called Azure subscription 1):

# just enough to uniquely identify it
$ subscription_name='Azure subscription'
$ az account set -s $(az account list -o tsv --query "[? contains(name, '$subscription_name') ] | [0].id")

$ az account show
# main subscription

$ subscription_name='Troubleshooting'
$ az account set -s $(az account list -o tsv --query "[? contains(name, '$subscription_name') ] | [0].id")

$ az account show
# troubleshooting subscription