PowerShell Intro Scripting Solution


Students create this file themselves, and have to move it to the proper directory.

# declare variables
$CommitMessage='auto committed from auto-committing-setup.ps1!'

# fork and clone this repo into the powershell-studio directory
git clone "https://github.com/$GitHubUsername/powershell-practice" "$StudioRepoDir"

# move this script into the powershell-studio directory
Copy-Item "$PSCommandPath" "$StudioRepoDir"

# change into the powershell-studio directory
Set-Location "$StudioRepoDir"

# stage the new file in git
git add .

# commit the staged script file
git commit -m $CommitMessage

# push to their forked repo
git push

Students would then execute the script. Proof of its success would be be to share a link to the new file in their forked repo.

bonus solution

# declare variables
$GitHubUsername = Read-Host -Prompt 'GitHub username'
$StudioRepoDir = Read-Host -Prompt 'Path (rel or abs) where the repo will be cloned'

# remaining script ...