7.7. Studio Part 2: Explore Authorization With the Deployed API

In this studio you will work with a partner to explore the effect of authorization in requests sent to the API. After an initial setup you will explore tasks that will require you both to plan, execute and reflect on the results.

These tasks will require you and a partner to interact using two different user accounts that are both registered within a single AADB2C tenant. One of these accounts will be used as the Owner of a coding event, and the other will be a Member of that coding event.

Using the two accounts together you can reflect on the authorization process by comparing the similarities and differences between the API responses.

Your learning goals for this studio are:

  1. Explore the effect of external (AADB2C) and internal (ABAC) authorization when making requests to the API
  2. Apply your knowledge of RESTful interactions to transition and reflect on the state of API resources

7.7.1. Task Roles

The Owner will be responsible for providing the Member with:

  • the public IP of the Owner’s hosted API
  • the Owner’s Postman access token settings

In each task the Owner and the Member will work together to set up an initial state with the API. Then both of you will make requests to complete the task and reflect on the responses and resource state transitions encountered along the way.

7.7.2. Limited Guidance: Completing a Task General Steps

In general, each task will require you and your partner to:

  1. plan the requests that will be needed to set up and complete the task
  2. make setup requests to establish the initial state of API resources needed to complete the task
  3. make the request needed to complete the task
  4. reflect on differences in the response status codes and bodies
  5. reflect on how the state of the API resources transitioned after the requests Planning Tips

In order to coordinate and plan these steps you and your partner will need to consider:

  • what is the current state of the resources in the API (from previous requests)?
  • what initial state is needed to accomplish the task?
  • what setup requests will be needed to set up the initial state?
  • what task requests are needed to accomplish the task
  • who (Owner or Member) will need to issue each request?
  • what order do the requests need to be issued in?

7.7.3. Setup

There are multiple ways to set up Postman so both you and your partner can request access tokens from the Owner’s AADB2C service. The simpler mechanism is to share all of the Owner’s Postman access token settings with the Member. This will include the Client ID of the Owner’s registered Postman application.

However, if you are looking for a challenge the bonus section below will have the Owner register a new client application with its own client ID for the Member to use. Either of these approaches will require you to update the Coding Events API collection in Postman. Update Postman

Before you can make requests to the Coding Events API both you and your partner will need to change the baseUrl environment variable in the Postman collection. The baseUrl will need its value updated to point at the public IP address of the Owner’s deployed API.


The Owner must send the Postman access token form settings to the Member.

In Postman, edit the collection (using the three dots to the right of its name) and select the Variables tab. In the Current Value entry on the right side replace the current value, https://localhost:5001, with the public IP address:

Postman update the baseUrl variable with the public IP address of the API

In addition to sharing the public IP, the Owner will need to provide:

  • Auth URL: the URL of the authorization endpoint for the SUSI User Flow policy we created before
  • Client ID: the ID of the new Postman client application we will be registering (the authorized party, or bearer, of the access token)
  • Scope: the user_impersonation scope exposed by the registered Coding Events API application

The Member will then need to select the Authorization tab and update their access token settings to use the Owner’s Postman access token settings and request a token.


Initially each of your settings will reference your respective tenants. However, the Member must update their settings to match the Owner’s settings so the member can create an account with the Owner’s tenant. Get Access Tokens

The Owner should already have an account registered in their AADB2C tenant. However, the Member will need to register their own account in the Owner’s tenant. As a reminder, the Member can use the sign up now link at the bottom of the login form. Bonus: Multiple Front-end Client Applications

You can simulate a system that has several different client applications that interact with a single protected API. In this system each client application must register with the AADB2C tenant in order to uniquely identify itself. By doing so requests from each client application can be individually monitored and controlled.

For this bonus mission, instead of the Owner sharing the client ID of their Postman application, they will register a new one in their AADB2C tenant. This will allow you and your partner to simulate a multi-client system using AADB2C.


The Member will still need to update their access token settings to reference the Owner’s tenant information.

After updating the access token settings, this bonus will require the Member to update the client ID field to reference the newly created client ID of the <Member Name> Postman application.

The Owner will register another application in their AADB2C tenant that corresponds to the Member’s Postman application. The <Member Name> Postman application will need to be registered and granted access to use the user_impersonation scope of the API.

After completing the registration and configuration the Owner will share the new <Member Name> Postman client ID with the Member so they can update the client ID field of the access token form in Postman.


You can refer to the access token walkthrough as a refresher of this process.

After completing this bonus mission the Owner’s AADB2C tenant should have 2 registered front-end client applications (Owner’s Postman and the new <Member Name> Postman). Each of these should have admin consent for using the user_impersonation scope to access the protected API.

7.7.4. Completing a Task

Each task will begin with a plain-English action to be performed on the state of one or more resources. Following this prompt will be a series of questions related to the actions and results:

  • Action: analyzing current state, setting up initial state and required task requests
  • Reflection: reflect on the differences in responses between the Owner and the Member along with the final state of the resources

Both the Owner and Member will attempt to complete each task. However, due to the different authorization attributes (ABAC) that each of you have, not all requests will be successful. It is equally important to consider the response behavior for both successful and unsuccessful requests.

Before you begin working on these tasks let’s explore a solution to the first one – Joining a Coding Event. Example Solution: Join a Coding Event

Try to join an existing coding event Action

What is the current state of the resources?

  • no coding events
  • no members (only 2 authenticated users, the Owner and Member)

What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?

  • 1 coding event
  • 1 member of the coding event (Owner)
  • 1 authenticated user (Member) that is not currently a member of the coding event

What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?

  1. Owner: POST /api/events/

What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task?

  • POST /api/events/{CodingEventsId}/members Reflection

What was the response when the authenticated user (Member) tried to join the Owner’s coding event?

  • status code: 204 No Content
  • body: empty

What was the response when the Owner tried to join their own coding event?

  • status code: 400
  • body: Bad Request


The actual response body is formatted in a JSON object:

response body of failed Owner request
   "type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1",
   "title": "Bad Request",
   "status": 400,
   "traceId": "|239addd7-409244e32d9104cb."

What is the final state of the API resources after completing the task?

  • 1 coding event
  • 2 members (Owner and Member)

7.7.5. Tasks

Use the example above as a solution template as you work with your partner to complete each task. Before making each request discuss what you expect to happen with your partner based on your respective authorizations.

If the results do not align with your expectations consider:

  • was your initial state correct?
  • did the order of the requests have an effect?


Before continuing with the studio make sure that both you and your partner are able to successfully request an access token.

If either of you receive the following message when requesting an access token it indicates that the client ID was not updated correctly:

Postman failed access token request due to invalid client ID Join a Coding Event

Try to join an existing coding event Action

  1. What is the current state of the resources?
  2. What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?
  3. What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?
  4. What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task? Reflection

  1. What was the response when the authenticated user (Member) tried to join the Owner’s coding event?
  2. What was the response when the Owner tried to join their own coding event?
  3. What is the final state of the API resources after completing the task? View Coding Event Members

Try to access the email addresses of coding event members Action

  1. What is the current state of the resources?
  2. What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?
  3. What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?
  4. What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task? Reflection

  1. Was the email field available in the response to the Member?
  2. Was the email field available in the response to the Owner?
  3. What other differences were present in the shape of the responses?
  4. Was there a transition of state for any resources while completing this task? Add a Tag to a Coding Event

Try to add a new tag to the coding event Action

  1. What is the current state of the resources?
  2. What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?
  3. What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?
  4. What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task? Reflection

  1. What was the response when the Member tried to add the tag to the coding event?
  2. What was the response when the Owner tried to add the tag to the coding event?
  3. What is the final state of the API resources after completing the task? Remove a Tag From a Coding Event

Try to remove the tag from the coding event Action

  1. What is the current state of the resources?
  2. What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?
  3. What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?
  4. What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task? Reflection

  1. What was the response when the Member tried to remove the tag from the coding event?
  2. What was the response when the Owner tried to remove the tag from the coding event?
  3. What is the final state of the API resources after completing the task? Remove a Member From a Coding Event

Try to remove a Member from the coding event Action

  1. What is the current state of the resources?
  2. What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?
  3. What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?
  4. What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task? Reflection

  1. What was the response when the Member tried to remove thine self from the coding event?
  2. What was the response when the Owner tried to remove the Member from the coding event?
  3. What is the final state of the API resources after completing the task? Leave a Coding Event

Try to leave the coding event


In the previous task the Member was removed from the coding event. In order for both you and your partner to complete this task the Member will need to re-join the coding event. Action

  1. What is the current state of the resources?
  2. What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?
  3. What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?
  4. What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task? Reflection

  1. What was the response when the Member tried to leave the coding event?
  2. What was the response when the Owner tried to leave their own coding event?
  3. What is the final state of the API resources after completing the task? Cancel a Coding Event

Try to cancel the coding event Action

  1. What is the current state of the resources?
  2. What should be the initial state of the resources to complete this task?
  3. What requests will need to be made, in what order, and who must issue them to achieve this initial state?
  4. What endpoint will you need to use to complete this task? Reflection

  1. What was the response when the Member tried to cancel the coding event?
  2. What was the response when the Owner tried to cancel their coding event?
  3. What is the final state of the API resources after completing the task?